Summary – Two marathons in the week really helped get my total running time up. It also limited some of my other activities with little core work and no tennis. I also walked more during the week as I tried to heal my legs. It was a very good week though and I’m pleased with the training. I think I’m on track for a good 100 miler in a few weeks.
One more marathon next week and then it’s on to recovery and fine tuning for the ultra. Marathon Madness has been a success so far.
Total running time: 603 minutes (10 hrs 3 mins); Walking: 237 minutes; Core: 71 minutes; Stretching: 110 minutes
Saturday – Marathon one of the weekend. The race started at 8am. Did a little warm up and had some walking around afterwards. Ran the race in 2:44. Felt smooth and relaxed the entire way. Worked a little hard the first half with some miles in the low 6’s (6:02, 6:03) but it was worth it because I had people to run with that were doing the half so I took advantage of it, especially in the windier sections of the loop. My legs were still sore at the start, mainly my left quad. But I was fresh and able to run a steady pace throughout.
Friday – Took the day off of running. We drove 7 hours from AL to GA and I actually didn’t exercise at all today. I did eat two meals but had decided last weekend that my diet would get a break on the day before big races. I need the calories and I don’t want to be tired for the big race the next day. However, I eat mindful of the next day and don’t go too heavy. So I had a Subway sandwich for lunch and some pasta with marinara from Olive Garden for dinner.
Thursday – Ran for an hour at the trails, 45 minutes of it with Julie in the morning. Feeling good but still feeling my quad. Did the P90x stretching video for 55 minutes on my own in the afternoon and walked with Julie for 65 minutes to get in my exercise for the day.
Wednesday – Ran for an hour at the trail, 45 minutes of it with Julie in the morning. I did the P90x Core workout for 55 minutes. This may have been a mistake as I think it aggravated my left quad strain. There is a good deal of lunges and squats in the workout and the stress on my quads was not good. I made it through the workout but may pay for it this weekend.
Walked for 65 minutes with Julie to finish up the exercise for the day.
Tuesday – Ran for an hour alone at the trail this morning. Feeling much better than yesterday and it showed by my normal trail loop taking me 4 minutes less time than yesterday. I am definitely still sore but I’m quickly improving.
We did the Ab Ripper X workout (16 minutes) and we did the 55 minute stretching routine. We walked the remaining 50 minutes to get in our exercise for the day.
Monday – Jeff and I hobbled through the first few minutes of a 30 minute run on the trail. We eventually loosened up and were able to run a bit more normally but it was a brutal start. We then walked the trails for another half hour before heading home.
We watched the movie Unbreakable about the 2010 Western States 100 mile race. It got me pumped up and since I needed another two hours of exercise for the day, I headed back to the trails for another 63 minutes of running. The start was the same as my morning run but my legs really loosened up and I had to hold myself back a little so I didn’t hurt myself.
Julie and I then walked for 57 minutes around the resort after dinner before watching the BCS championship game.
Sunday – Marathon number 2 in 2 days complete with a 2:47.26 showing in Mobile, AL; click here for the recap. I’m sure I walked around and did enough to get another 13 minutes of exercise during the day walking to and from the car and the start finish line, as well as my brief warm up to slightly loosen my sore legs before the start of the race.