Julie’s February Training

Thursday, 2/28/13

57 minutes with Matt, with 6 by 30 second strides in the middle of the run. Tried to run at Riverbend Park to get in some trails, but they were all flooded with the recent rain, like 3 feet of water. Headed over to the reservoir after that and ran the 4.5 mile loop, then ran back to Riverbend park since they’re right next to each other. Actually felt pretty peppy on the strides for the first time in a while.

Wednesday, 2/27/13

43 minutes with Matt at the reservoir. One of the more difficult runs we’ve done in a while, because it was about 20 degrees in the exposed crosswinds and just miserable atop the reservoir, with nothing to block the wind.

Tuesday, 2/26/13

Was going to do a 2 hour run to follow the long run yesterday, but Matt’s knee was hurting him, so we didn’t end up doing it. I’m perfectly healthy but couldn’t make myself get out there alone. It started pouring rain around 10am and didn’t let up all day, so I finally sucked it up around 3pm and ran a whopping 35 minutes around the neighborhood. I couldn’t wait for that run to be over.

Monday, 2/25/13

3 hour and 12 minute run with Matt. Ran from the house to the reservoir, did a lap there, then ran to Riverbend Park and ran 2 laps, then ran another lap around the reservoir, and ran home. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and temps in the high 30’s. Starting getting achy in my ankles, knees and hips by the end, but overall it was a great run and I’m really happy we got it in.

Sunday, 2/24/13

65 minutes around Findlay with Matt in the late afternoon. Really didn’t want to run, but the legs got moving after about 30 minutes and it felt good to get in over an hour.

Saturday, 2/23/13
Off – drove from Delaware to Ohio for 10 hours and didn’t want to get up at 5 to run in the dark, and didn’t want to run once we got home. Wish I’d had the willpower to run before or after the long drive, because the 50 mile race is looming and I’m not feeling so confident.

Friday, 2/22/13
55 minutes easy around the Delaware Airforce Base with Matt, with four 30-second strides. Legs felt terrible and slow for the strides, but overall it felt good to run.

Thursday, 2/21/13
Travel day from Ocean City, NJ to Delaware, so just needed to get in something. Ran 30 minutes with Matt, half on the beach and half through neighborhoods. Windy and cold in Ocean City, so glad it was short.

Wednesday, 2/20/13
1 Hour run with Matt on the beach in Ocean City, NJ. Really, really, windy, so an open beach probably wasn’t the best place for the run, but we wanted to run on the sand for a break from the pavement. Going out, the wind was slightly at our backs, which meant it was against us for the entire way back. But the sun was out and it felt good to be off pavement.

Tuesday, 2/19/13
Unplanned day off. Went to run at the C&O canal and parking was a pain and it was raining, and we just bagged the run. Both of us were feeling worn out from the two runs on the Appalachian Trail, so we headed to a Starbucks and had coffee instead.

Monday, 2/18/13

1:29 minute run with Matt on the Appalachian trail, this time headed south on the trail. First part was runnable but then we did a 20 minute uphill with really rocky trail. Body felt tired overall and I had to walk some of the hills and let Matt go.

Sunday, 2/17/13

78 minutes on the Appalachian trail with Matt and Brian near the Washington state park monument in Maryland. Hilly, technical trails with a few smooth portions and though I fell behind, I still felt good and kept a good pace.

Saturday, 2/16/13

56 minutes with Matt and rumblestrip on the country roads around his home near Bainbridge, Ohio. Cold and windy but nice to run somewhere else and with someone new.

Friday, 2/15/13

49 minutes with Matt on the Loveland bike trail. Happy to have flat and easy miles. Legs felt much better than yesterday and weather was cold but not bad.

Thursday, 2/14/13

Happy Valentine’s Day! Ran at Sharon Woods later in the afternoon and felt really tired and sluggish. Legs were tired and dull, without a single spring in my step. Cut it off after 28 minutes and called it a day.

Wednesday, 2/13/13

90 minute trail run at Mt. Airy in Cincinnati. It snowed almost 2 inches in the time we ran and the trails became a little harder to navigate over time. Really muddy, slick spots as well, so my feet were all over the place. My legs felt surprisingly good despite some hills and technical footing.

Tuesday, 2/12/13

55 minutes, 25 of it around neighborhoods and 30 of it on the flat, paved bike trail. I felt good, then sluggish, then good again, and then slugglish again. Energy levels were all over the place and my legs were a little tight.

Monday, 2/11/13

60 slow minutes on the flat, paved bike trail. Just wanted to shake out the legs for a while without worrying about pace. Right ankle is a bit sore, as well as my quads, but over all I don’t feel that bad after the race.

Sunday, 2/10/13
Off. Rest day after the race yesterday. Legs weren’t sore when I woke up but got gradually more sore throughout the day. Right ankle a little touchy from rolling it in the race at least five times and the inside of my left calf was really tight when I woke up. Would have liked to have gone for a walk but drove 8 hours from VA back to Cincinnati.

Saturday, 2/9/13
Holiday Lake 50k++ race, 33.26 mile race in Lynchburg, VA. Finished in 5:08.22; good for 80th overall out of 327 runners and 12th Female. See race recap for more details.

Friday, 2/8/13
30 minutes on the Holiday Lake course, just to shake out the legs and get a feel for one end of the course. Legs felt pretty good, though my nerves were taking over because I wasn’t sure how I’d do in the race.

Thursday, 2/7/13
Off. Wasn’t planned, but drove for about 11 hours from Chicago to Virginia and slept in our car at a rest stop. Kind of a crappy day physically to just sit all day and not sleep that well.

Wednesday, 2/6/13
59 minutes with Jeff and Matt in Madison before leaving for Chicago. 2 degrees outside, but at least sunny. Ready for some sun and heat in Virginia, as temps are looking to be in the high 40’s or low 50’s. Other than being cold on the run and scared of slipping on icy spots, it was a great run and we had a small tour of the city of Madison and the UW campus with Jeff.

Tuesday, 2/5/13
70 minutes with Eric and Matt in Madison. Exactly 7.7 miles, according to Eric, a loop from his house out to the Arboretum, through that space, and then back to his house. A beautiful morning with snow coming down around us and fresh snow to run on. It was cold, but at least the fresh snow was pretty easy to run on compared to icy sidewalks, and we had really good company running with Eric. My legs felt the best they’ve felt since the marathon.

Monday, 2/4/13
50 minutes with Jeff and Matt in Madison. Not in the mood to run in Chicago before we left, so we put the run off, and were glad we did. We ran one of Jeff’s loops around one of the lakes in Madison and then a small out and back portion in Madison along the waterfront. My legs were a little tight but overall it was a great run.

Sunday, 2/3/13
35 minutes on the treadmill in Chicago at Sean’s apartment. Yes, I did it. I succumbed to the snow and ice, and cold, and ran on a treadmill. I really just wanted to get some kind of run in the books and there was way too much snow in South Bend that morning for me to run there. It was nice not worrying about ice, but I was glad to be done with the run. I made sure I did 4 miles before stopping.

Saturday, 2/2/13
Off. Stood outside and watched Matt win the Groundhog Day marathon in Grand Rapids, MI. It was really, really cold, and really, really, snowy.

Friday, 2/1/13
40 minutes in Findlay. Just putting in the time before leaving Findlay for Grand Rapids. Soooo ready to be out of the wind in Findlay. Legs felt crappy.

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