Relief. Excitement. Nervousness. After nine months of actively attempting to create a new human being, we were finally successful this past spring, and we were able to fully experience the range of emotions that come with this major life milestone. Julie is now 24 weeks into pregnancy with our little boy, due the first week of December.
We’ve had it in our minds for ten plus years that we wanted to someday experience parenthood. We also knew we wanted to wait before going down that path. With some nervousness and hope (and pleasure) we went about trying to conceive. And every month we were clearly informed that we had not succeeded.
We first tried the all-out assault on the monthly egg. No success. We tried to finesse it by timing it exactly as the online calendars predicted. Nothing. We bought a thermometer and tracked Julie’s temp every morning. This became the key to solving the puzzle as we learned that Julie wasn’t sending out the monthly target until later than all those normal calendars were suggesting. I was using up all my ammo before she was even setting out the target! With this new knowledge, we were quick to hit the mark.
The wheels were already turning regarding what we’d do next in life, with or without baby. Once baby joined the planning party, we focused in on creating a life situation that enabled us to maximize our time with our new adventure partner. This meant limiting our hours working, and consequently searching for places we could afford to live without needing to work much. To make it more interesting, we began scouring the web looking at visa limitations, international health care plans, and hospitals throughout Latin America. We honed in on Mexico only to learn that pregnancy is a pre-existing condition and that we couldn’t get insurance to cover major complications related to the pregnancy.

Julie at 23 weeks. She has been looking cute throughout her pregnancy, updating her wardrobe with new dresses, tops, and stretchy things.
Rather than roll the dice on adventuring pre-baby arrival, we’re now planning to take things more slowly. Julie’s current work maternity leave, along with the FMLA total maternity time of 18 weeks gives us plenty of time to spend with our new man, and to determine what the best option will be. So the plan is to bring our new one into the world via Seattle. We’ll utilize Julie’s maternity leave, and then make a decision regarding what’s next as we get to know our new little family member.

We’ve already started getting cute baby stuff thanks to our sister-in-law Erin. She has the hook up on cute baby clothes, including button-down onesies!
While there is still some nervousness surrounding the unknowns, the dominant emotion is excitement. Julie holds her belly constantly, relishing every kick and movement. We heard his heart beating strongly at our monthly check up this week and as the doctor attempted to keep the device on Julie’s belly to hear the sounds, she remarked as she kept moving the wand around that we had a very active little boy and that they don’t often move so much. We smiled and both internally felt even more attached to our active little adventurer.
Loved the hiking books. Congratulations on the upcoming baby!
Hiking + baby. Sounds like good material for a new book. One idea among many. We love imagining what’s ahead. Thanks for the encouragement!
As the father of two running, cross country ski racing boys, I predict the best part of your life is just ahead! Congratulations!!
Congrats cuz! Your gonna love the adventure
Congrats guys!! You probably don’t remember me, but my husband (Deal) and I met you guys on the AT in 2011 (we were SOBOs and we crossed paths in NH). I come back occasionally to check your blog and saw your exciting news!! Will certainly be a new kind of adventure! Wishing you health through the rest of the pregnancy and beyond!
Thanks so much Steadee! We definitely remember you two – had to check back on your blog to remember the faces (can you believe it’s already been 4 years!). With baby due in less than 2 months our new adventure is getting more real every day! Thanks for the well wishes. Good luck on your continued adventures. An island in New England?!!! Awesome.