Sunday 3/31/2013
Big dive day with three dives. We could have run in the morning but thought maybe we’d run between dive 2 and 3 for the day. Wrong. No time and we were exhausted when we finished dive number 3 after dark.
Saturday 3/30/2013
43 minutes with Julie in Koh Tao. We finally ventured out a bit and ran the main road from our hotel. It was OK. Lots of motorbike and truck traffic along with lots of pollution. Dogs weren’t a problem thankfully. Ran to the south end of the island before heading back.
Friday 3/29/2013
Hill workout in Koh Tao. If we aren’t going to run very long here, we’re at least going to work hard. There is a little hill between Mae Hadd and Sairee Beach where we were staying. It took maybe 20 to 30 seconds to run up. It was short, steep, and sweet. So I did it 15 times hard with little jog rests down before turning around and doing it again. My gut and legs were burning and I was breathing hard, which probably wasn’t good given all the burning garbage around me. It really is a nice island paradise though.
Thursday 3/28/2013
32 minutes in the morning on Koh Tao, our first run since getting here. I felt fresh and we headed north on the people path from our hotel. We got to the main road and then started heading out of town. Julie got a little uneasy with the dogs and apparent remoteness of the road so we headed back. We ran to Mae Hadd and back and then called it a day.
Wednesday 3/27/2013
Day off for travel number two. After our second night on a bus followed by a four hour boat ride, followed by checking out dive schools and hotels, followed by our first day of dive theory classes, we were spent. Excuses, excuses, I know. But weren’t traveling, and I still feel thin and in shape. I have been doing my prison cell pushups everyday for quite a while now.
Tuesday 3/26/2013
Off day for the epic journey from Chiang Mai to Koh Tao. We had the day in Bangkok after a night bus from Chiang Mai which got us in at 5am. We could have run but opted for rest and some walking around Khao san road area before getting our next night bus to Chumpon.
Monday 3/25/2013
Last run in Chiang Mai. Most of the usuals from the Chiang Mai Masters club were out and today they were ready for us. We ran about an hour total and did 6 x 30 second strides on the track with 60 second jog rests. We each had old guys jump in for our strides and race us. It was awesome, and impressive. I had one guy push me the entire way, and I was running close to 32 second 200 pace. He later communicated that he is over 60 years old. I then found my guy from two days ago doing loops on the outer course around the track. We ran together for about 20 minutes before he called it quits and we headed home.
Running in Chiang Mai has been one of the highlights of our stay here. We had people cheering us on, joining us for our run, and showing general pleasure for the fact that we were out there working hard on their track. My legs are actually pretty worn out from the last four days of speed on the track but I’m very fortunate to have had this experience.
Sunday 3/24/2013
Another day at the track and I’m loving it. Today we decided to do some interval work; short, sweet, and working the anaerobic system. The plan was to do 400’s with a 200 jog rest (~1 minute rest). I figured I should be somewhere in the 77 to 78 range. After a 10 minute jog to the track, some drills, and some strides we got started. I ran comfortably fast and hit the first in 74. I could feel it and told myself I could slow down a bit. 74 for the second one. I was getting into the anaerobic threshold zone already which was perfect. I hit 75 for the next followed by a 74. At this point I was already getting pretty gassed. I didn’t want to go too crazy today. I told myself at least one more. #5 was in 73 and after my 200 jog I was ready for one more, also a 73. (74,74,75,74,73,73).
Jogged a little more as Julie finished up 8x400I. We then chatted with a local guy named Anang, part of the Thai masters 4x100m national champion team for 70-74 year olds. He was excited to talk as he motioned us over after we were done running. We’ve met some really nice people on our 3 days at the track. We then did our pushups and jogged back to the hotel. Feeling strong and ready to race again if the opportunity presents itself.
Saturday 3/23/2013
Back at the Chiang Mai track. We were out a little later this morning, but still before 8 am. We weren’t as keen about a workout or running this morning but once we got there, I noticed a guy running intervals on the bike path around the track and I soon joined him. We did about 10 minutes together, never saying a word, and then he rested, I rejoined Julie, and we proceeded to go into the track for some strides. I did 6 x 30 second surges on the track with a 1 minute jog recovery. I was going about 32 to 34 second 200 pace and got breathing pretty heavy by the end. After this we quickly did our daily prison cell pushups on the track and then went back out to the bike path. I picked up my new friend again and we did another 10 minutes or so to finish his workout. He was pushing it at the end and he was very thankful when he finished, acknowledging in broken English that I had helped push him well and he was glad to run with me. We weren’t flying but were under 7 minute pace. Julie and I then ran home for a total run of 62 minutes.
Friday 3/22/2013
Julie and I found the track yesterday and did our first workout in nearly two months. After about a 10 minute warmup getting to the track, along with some strides and drills, I jumped into 4xmile tempo w/ 200 jog rest. I felt fresh and fast and cruised through the first in 5:39. The pace was aerobically a bit hot for me but my legs felt good and fast. I hit 5:40 for the next followed by two 5:39’s to finish up. I was breathing hard but I was satisfied. I also felt like a rockstar out there because no one was moving anywhere close to my speed. We did about a 10 minute jog home and then it was off to all day cooking school.

We found the track! After running with dogs and dusty, busy roads, it was so refreshing to find a track and do some speed work. (We found the track while walking and then came back for a workout – Julie obviously isn’t wearing her workout attire in this picture.
Thursday 3/21/2013
Off day. We arrived in Chiang Mai late last night and weren’t too pleased with our hotel. After getting our bearings, finding a new hotel, and coming up with a plan for our stay here, we opted for a day off after 5 days in a row of running.
Wednesday 3/20/2013
73 minutes in Ayuthaya of walk/run. It was mainly running but it had a few spots where we had to walk to avoid the crazy dogs. To read more about this unique experience, click HERE.
Tuesday 3/19/2013
Ran our last day in Lumphini Park in Bangkok for awhile. Good run, hot and humid as usual, got out a little earlier, 7:10ish. Ran three loops today and did 200 meter strides with 200 meter recovery jogs in between on the second loop. Felt good and felt like I was flying. Upper left knee starting aching again on the third lap. We then thankfully got rained on the last few minutes before finishing up.
Monday 3/18/2013
Ran two laps in Lumphini Park. Legs finally feeling better and fresher. We went a little faster, 41 minutes total. My left knee did get a little sore near the end of the run but didn’t persist at all during the day despite the massive miles we’re logging on foot touring the city.
Sunday 3/17/2013
Another day at Lumphini in Bangkok. Two laps again, around 41 minutes. We’re forced to stop on the major intersection to get to the park and we also have to stop and stand at attention at 8 am when the national anthem is played everywhere. Legs still feeling tired and sluggish. It’s also still hot and humid. 7:30 isn’t quite early enough for getting started. Fun to be out though, the park was packed this morning.
Saturday 3/16/2013
First day back since the 50 and first run in Bangkok. Legs definitely tired from all the walking around and not fully recovered from the race. It is hot hot hot here and very humid. I was dripping sweat from the getgo and probably lost a good two pounds of water weight during the run. Glad to be running though and glad to be in Bangkok. It almost feels like altitude training in that I struggle a bit breathing while running in this thick humidity. We ran in Lumphini park which is about an 8 minute jog from where we’re staying. There is a 2.5 km loop that everyone runs/walks. We could probably weave around through the park too but it seems pretty standard to go in the same direction around the circle with everyone else.
Friday 3/15/2013
The soreness is finally leaving my legs and I think I’m about ready to run. Instead of cold Midwest, we now have hot Bangkok!
Thursday 3/14/2013
Travel day. On planes all day and with the time change, there weren’t actually many hours in our Thursday. Legs OK, I can freely bend them now but they get achy on the planes.
Wednesday 3/13/2013
Travel day. Walked around San Francisco this morning for around 50 minutes in the morning. Felt pretty good except the steep downhills which reaggravated some of my knee pains. Flew to Tokyo after that (on a plane for 11+ hours).
Tuesday 3/12/2013
Travel day as we flew from Cincinnati to SF. Julie and I did walk for around an hour around her neighborhood. Feeling decent, left knee bends now, but both inside and outside of it are still achy and sore to the touch.
Monday 3/11/2013
This is the most sore I’ve been after a race in a long time (pre-Leadville 100!). It’s largely in my left knee area but also has moved down to the inside of my left ankle. I never rolled it or sprained it during the race but it is sore to the touch to the point of me not even being able to touch it at all without really hurting. Ugh. Glad the race went well so this feels worth it.
Sunday 3/10/2013
Definitely no running today. I’m glad I can walk. I can’t bend my left knee at all due to what I think is a tight IT band. Muscles aren’t too bad at the moment but the knee is messed up. Drove back from KY today and layed on the couch for much of the afternoon watching golf.
Saturday 3/9/2013
Race day. Check out my race report HERE for details. First place overall, 6:26 finishing time for the 50 miles. Good day.
Friday 3/8/2013
Took another day off. Julie got up and actually ran before the 5 hour drive to KY while I thought maybe I’d run some of the course once I got there. It never happened and I’ve now already taken 3 days off out of the first 8 in March. I need to get this motivational ship righted.
Thursday 3/7/2013
Julie and I ran together for 46 minutes in the slush on the bike path in Cincinnati. I had a few minor aches after yesterday’s uptempo run but felt fine. Glad we got out there. It wasn’t as cold as it has been lately; hopefully this stuff is thawing out.
Wednesday 3/6/2013
Ran for an hour on my own at the bike path in the snow and slush. I was feeling fresh and fast and took off from the beginning of the run. I couldn’t see most of the mile markers but on the way back I was able to see a mile and a half segment in which I was running 6:20 pace. It felt good to open it up and run fast again, my first time since Holiday Lake nearly four weeks ago. My upper left knee had a few aches and my foot hurt briefly but overall, it was a really good run.
Tuesday 3/5/2013
38 minutes in Findlay as the ice/snow storm was blowing in. We ran, that’s about it. We did the Sandusky loop from home.
Monday 3/4/2013
42 minutes with Julie at the Reservoir during the afternoon. We actually had a really pretty afternoon, not too windy, and the sun was even out.
Sunday 3/3/2013
Julie was set on doing a long run and I simply wasn’t interested. I took another day off and stayed home. What a weenie!
Saturday 3/2/2013
Ran with Julie and my cousin Lukas Kromer at Van Buren State Park. It was a miserably cold and snowy morning. Thankfully, the trails were largely protected from the wind. While some of the mud had frozen due to the cold temps, there were still plenty of muddy sections where we cracked through ice and ended up in muddy, cold water. It was quite the adventure. We ended up running for 64 minutes total. We didn’t run quickly but it was fun none the less.
Friday 3/1/2013
I’m a wuss. This cold weather is my excuse but bottom line is I didn’t feel like running today, so I didn’t.